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 Newsnodes COVID19 portal closed

 Date: May 7th, 2022

After having tracked the coronavirus pandemic for over two years, today is the day that we will be closing our daily coronavirus tracking on Newsnodes.com Our efforts however, will be continued by the team of Medriva Charts, supported by COVID-trackers of Newsnodes and BNO News. You can visit the new tracking website at https://charts.medriva.com/

Our website Newsnodes.com will continue to operate, but will focus on providing non-coronavirus news and data in the future. Only in case of an urgent 'Variant of Concern' situation, we will provide information here, similar to our Omicron coverage some months ago.

Finally, we would like to thank everyone who contributed to the Newsnodes coronavirus tracking over the past two years and in particular to data contributors Nono, Soham and crannofonix; our partners BNO News, Boston Children Hospital and Medriva and the many people who supported our data tracking.

screenshot of the Medriva Charts website

 Tracking the Omicron Variant together

 Date: December 10th, 2021

Since November 25th, BNO News and Newsnodes.com have been working together to track confirmed and probable cases of the Omicron variant (B.1.1.529). We are now happy to announce we have partnered up with Global.health and HealthMap and are being supported by the Pandemic Prevention Institute. This partnership enables us to continue our coverage for the Omicron tracker.

You can find the latest Omicron data by visiting our Omicron Variant tracker or by visiting the Omicron map at https://omicron.healthmap.org

 New: create custom COVID-19 charts

 Date: September 20th, 2021

Starting today, it is possible to create customized COVID-19 charts on our website. All you need to do is first select the type of data you want to show and whether the data should be relative to population size. It is also possible to set a custom date range. Try it yourself on our COVID-19 Custom Charts page.

example of a custom COVID-19 chart

 Per capita lists available for countries and US States

 Date: August 19th, 2021

On popular request, we have added lists of per capita data to our website. For countries, these list can be found on our COVID-19 World Monitor and our COVID-19 World Monitor Maps.

For US states and territories information on new cases per capita, new deaths per capita and currently hospitalized per capita are listed on our USA COVID-19 monitor.

example view of the current list with per capita data

 New: COVID Variant Monitor

 Date: July 29th, 2021

After releasing some pie charts on COVID-19 variants last week, today we have added a new page to our website: the COVID-19 Variant Monitor. On this page you will be able to get a impression of where the most known COVID-19 variants are currently circulating.

On every country page, we have also replaced the 'pie charts' with new 'area charts': these area charts show the prevalence of COVID variants over time. Please note: these charts will only appear on a country page, when a country has sequenced sufficient cases in recent weeks.

e.g. COVID-19 variant situation on July 1st, 2021



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